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We went to the airport to see a friend off. When we came back to my car, my son pointed out that there were 4 Mazda 6's (including mine) all parked together. what are the odds???


BRB - Jan 06, 2008 06:12 AM EDT
Haha. Thanks Lulu. And I have finally admitted to myself (despite many reminders from TMR8s dearly beloved) that Mazda IS Ford.
Guest - Sep 07, 2007 04:29 AM EDT
Now this is my type of shot! Pity they aren't Fords though :-) I have a photo of three Ford XR6's all in a row that wasn't staged (one of them ours) and they were all different colours which looked really neat. I also have one of three of them in the same colour (but that was for our wedding).
Guest - Jun 18, 2007 04:19 AM EDT
Tans and Lorraine, thanks for looking. Yes, they are a great car. The blue one looks so much nicer... but they are a beautiful car to drive - and even my SILVER one is fast. With those odds, I don't know why I didn't go and buy a Lotto ticket
Guest - Jun 18, 2007 03:14 AM EDT
Bernie great shot I agree what are the odds of them being all the same like that lol
Guest - Jun 17, 2007 05:16 PM EDT
Makes a good line up, like the way the kids are relaxed over the car, looks nice and natural, all the good cars parked together, thats what my son would say, he has one to.

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