Young Great Horned Owl (wild)

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Young wild great horned owl. Someone told me there last evening that one of the youngster owls from this spring's brood is paler coloured than the other 2 young ones, plus he's smaller (the runt) -- and that the Mother Owl is still tending him and they are seen near each other. Which ties in with what other people said a few days ago, that they see a parent owl and a youngster sitting in the same tree early in the mornings.
So since this owl is a paler colour than the one in the earlier photos, believe this to be the runt. This is the only owl we saw there this day.


Guest - Sep 09, 2006 10:30 AM EDT
WOW!! very nice,I'm still lookin for one of those around here.
Guest - Sep 09, 2006 04:16 AM EDT
thanks for the nice comments, Mary. Really feel it a great privilege to be able to spend time so near these beautiful birds and appreciate it so much.
Guest - Sep 09, 2006 02:01 AM EDT
Great capture of these amazing birds. Must be a wonderful experience to see and photo them in the wild.

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