Young at Heart

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About This Image

Who says adults can't act like kids? Besides they never had cool toys like this when we were all kids so why shouldn't we hop on and take them for a ride? My 24 year old brother bought this a short while ago and everybody gave it a try... even my dad. This is one of my submissions for the July contest "A State of Being... Young".


Guest - Dec 27, 2006 11:47 PM EDT
Brian this is fantastic. I love the way you have used Photoshop to enhance the blur
Guest - Dec 27, 2006 04:56 PM EDT
Yes, I used Photoshop to enhance the feeling of speed. This wasn't meant to be a serious shot - where's your sense of imagination? Isn't that what digital photography is all about?
Guest - Dec 22, 2006 06:09 AM EDT
Photoshop fake. Th lenght of the pan to produce that amount of blur would also be evident in the bike do to the apparent change in length as it approaches the camera. Digital art has its place but please, passing off photoshopped works as photos is detrimental to digital photography.
Guest - Oct 30, 2006 08:57 PM EDT
Very cool, nice capture.
Guest - Oct 30, 2006 06:40 PM EDT
I love this picture! My son has a pocket rocket... same as this but a green one... I tried to ride it almost killed my old self :)
Guest - May 13, 2005 07:37 AM EDT
It is an excellent photo. Leave it to Silvester to say pocket rocket. LOL Enjoying your photos T
Guest - May 13, 2005 07:27 AM EDT
Thanks for your comments. Yeah that's funny - I guess you could call it a pocket rocket. By the way, I blurred the background to make my dad look like he was going faster than he really was. Although, those little bikes can get going pretty fast.
Guest - May 12, 2005 07:18 PM EDT
Is this what you would call a "pocket rocket" :) Love the shot, and the motion effect.
Guest - Feb 26, 2005 03:12 AM EDT
A classic. I'll bet some editor or art director would love to use it.
Guest - Feb 25, 2005 10:37 PM EDT
Brilliant! That's one steady eye and fantastic background motion!
Guest - Feb 25, 2005 08:09 PM EDT
This one is a classic!
Guest - Jun 29, 2004 04:42 PM EDT
Great shot!!
Guest - Jun 23, 2004 01:13 AM EDT
Love this one :)

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