Wythburn Church, Cumbria, England.

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Wythburn Church, Thirlmere, Cumbria was built in 1640.
It was formerly the spiritual centre to the hamlet of Armboth and a small farming community.
In 1894 Thirlmere reservoir and dam was created, drowning the hamlet of Armboth and it's surrounding farmlands.

Service are held on the last Sunday of each month, from May-Sept at 3pm.



donwrob - May 15, 2009 10:55 AM EDT
Neat old church capture Chriss! Wow 1640, you won't find anything that old over here. I like the stained glass closeups too, nice touch. Don
talsi - May 15, 2009 08:16 AM EDT
Nice scene and older church building making for a pleasing image

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