ww11 My dad

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Member: kevyboy
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About This Image

My dad,taken in World War two,somewhere in North Africa when he was in the eigth army,top left is a picture of my mother and eldest sister and top right is my elder brother,the whole picture is coloured in with inks


Guest - Jun 29, 2007 12:54 PM EDT
I love how yo made this Tribute to your father. I found yours while checking out the comments section on my own very nicely done Z:)
Guest - Nov 01, 2006 11:10 PM EDT
Thank you for sharing this treasure with all of us. My birth dad was in the navy and my birth mom was in the Marines during WWII. This is a beautiful memory for you.
Guest - Nov 01, 2006 07:49 PM EDT
This is of great treasure, I would really take good care of it... you did an excellent job in composing, bravo!!!
Guest - Nov 01, 2006 10:18 AM EDT
Thanks Don,im afraid I cant take any credit for this photo,all I did was scan it,the coloured inks were done sixty odd years ago.
Guest - Nov 01, 2006 09:20 AM EDT
Very nice composition Kevyboy! The colors really add to it. Beautiful work, Don
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 05:20 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra.it was your grandfathers letter that inspired me,and the amount of interest that it recieved.
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 04:55 PM EDT
forgot to mention, have often thought it would be great to have a special gallery here for "oldie" photos like this.
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 04:54 PM EDT
VERY nice! My Dad was out there too, during World War 2, - but he was in the RN. I have some type of "pass book" of Dad's, which he kept with him til "the end", will hafta check to see exactly what it is.

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