winter wonderland

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Score: 19.26
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Member: Zoya
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ice on trees. we have been having a series of ice storms



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Guest - Feb 27, 2005 01:34 PM EDT
This is beautiful Bet it would look better if you had more of the sun shining on it
Guest - Jan 15, 2005 03:31 AM EDT
Really nice picture. I love intertwining iciness of this photo.
Guest - Jan 13, 2005 07:06 AM EDT
It looks a bit cold where you are. If you send me your address I'll knit you a scarf :)
Guest - Jan 12, 2005 04:27 AM EDT
this last batch of Ice lasted on the trees for three days I am getting more now but thursday is to be degrees so it will all melt
Guest - Jan 12, 2005 01:53 AM EDT
A pretty picture Zoya. Does the ice stay for any length of time? Anytime we've had it, it melts off in a day.
Guest - Jan 11, 2005 10:13 PM EDT
that is all we been getting even today into tomorrow we are getting more ice. soon will need ice skates just to get around LOL
Guest - Jan 11, 2005 06:59 PM EDT
Havent had the ice storms yet, but just a matter of time. Im not looking forward to it. Nice Pic. Carol

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