Winter Twins

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Score: 12.95
Views: 146
Member: Hellie1
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About This Image

These little cuties were born last week on a lifestyle block just down the road from my house. Mum had obviously had enough of their pestering for milk & had laid down against the bank under some trees & bushes. I think the twins were trying to figure out why this person was looking at them. Aren't they cute?


alandrapal - Jul 31, 2008 01:22 AM EDT
Echoing the other comments, they are so cuuute. And their pose is priceless.
talsi - Jul 30, 2008 09:04 PM EDT
They are just adorable.
A.Lovely - Jul 30, 2008 10:54 AM EDT
What a wonderful photograph you have captured of these two lambs. Their posture or stance adds to the interest of this capture. Very clear and nice details.

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