Winter Cardinal

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Views: 160
Member: MASwick
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About This Image

After an ice storm that coated the wires and trees with thick ice this skitish female Cardinal was in search of food which I so kindly supplied her for holding still long enough for me to capture her image. Background is a row of Cedars in my yard. Taken early morning, F10, telephoto lens.


MASwick - Jan 13, 2008 10:36 PM EDT
Alandra and KM..thank you for your kind is very much appreciated. Alandra I am surprised your part of Canada has no Cardinals....they love sunflower seeds...maybe you can entice one to visit your area.
Guest - Jan 08, 2008 06:29 AM EDT
Beautiful color and sharp detail. A lovely portrait. We have had a bumper crop this year of cardinals--four males and three females have been feeding in our yard.
Guest - Jan 08, 2008 01:20 AM EDT
a delightful image of such a beautiful bird! Have never seen a cardinal in real life. The females are as pretty as the males, despite not having the vivid allover red feathers.
Guest - Jan 07, 2008 10:06 PM EDT
Thank you Ikka and Whittler for your kind comments
Guest - Jan 06, 2008 06:49 PM EDT
WOW!! very nice.
Guest - Jan 06, 2008 06:21 AM EDT
Really, a wonderful work you presented here! Congratulations.

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