Wind Swept Tree

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Score: 14.36
Views: 86
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

I noticed this rather small tree that had boughed with
the harsh weather of winter and grew rather crooked. The warm summer weather and blue sky gave the weathered
tree a more interesting image to view.


A.Lovely - Aug 31, 2008 01:30 PM EDT
Thank you Whittler for commenting on this photograph.
whittler113 - Aug 12, 2008 02:08 PM EDT
What a great shot with the cloudy sky for a background,very nice.
A.Lovely - Aug 11, 2008 11:19 AM EDT
Jas, Thank you for viewing this photograph. I wondered if I should have put the tree more to the right? Any suggestion on this photo I will take with a smile. :-)
Jas - Aug 10, 2008 07:12 AM EDT
Yes, Ann, the weather certainly has sculpted this tree! I like the angle you have used; it makes the tree stand out against the contrasting blue and white of the sky. :)

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