Wild Turkey

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Member: whittler113
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About This Image

This wild turkey came by our yard this morning along with 9 of its friends.


Guest - Mar 24, 2007 01:46 PM EDT
Thanks for the comment and the tidbit Mary,I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Guest - Mar 23, 2007 11:40 AM EDT
I like the beautiful hues, colors and detail you captured in the feathers. I agree with Karen, it does looks like an Audobon print. With all Audubon prints, the prices rise with the larger, more sought-after birds, such as the turkeys, herons, and swans. Just thought I would pass along this tidbit.
Guest - Mar 23, 2007 08:49 AM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Alan,Steve,Talsi and Karen,I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Guest - Mar 23, 2007 12:34 AM EDT
Beautiful color and sharp detail. I, too, thought it looked like an Audobon painting.
Guest - Mar 22, 2007 10:19 PM EDT
Wonderful capture, composition and coloring in the Turkey.
Guest - Mar 22, 2007 07:23 PM EDT
A marvellous image, Alex. It really does look like a hand tinted plate in a Victorian bird book.
Guest - Mar 22, 2007 07:15 PM EDT
I see the names have changed. That was strange, your photos name was Whittler, I went DUH a Whittler Turkey ROFL.. Then I noticed the created by Main where you live. Well it did not effect your wonderful photo...
Guest - Mar 22, 2007 06:36 PM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Tania and Alan,we don't have any green grass yet,he is walking on the snow. OOPS,I don't have a clue how that happened Alan.lol
Guest - Mar 22, 2007 06:17 PM EDT
Gorgeous photo! You captured all of the feather colors to where this looks like a painting. I'm with Tania, it looks like a studio photo. Excellent Photo... Hey what is with the (Created By Maine?) How did you do that?
Guest - Mar 22, 2007 05:38 PM EDT
What a fantastic photo of this turkey. It looks like you have taken this in a studio. Love the posture of the bird and the minimalistic background fantastic

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