Wild Turkey

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Score: 16.08
Views: 532
Member: marysham
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About This Image

Today a wild turkey visited my bird feeder. I had to take the photo thru a window. He was a big surprise


Guest - Nov 26, 2005 03:19 PM EDT
Just going thru my gallery to weed out photos and am finding some that I didn't see comments on. Late thanks Deb, Carol and Karen for your comments.
Guest - Apr 27, 2005 12:20 AM EDT
Great feather details. Very nice.
Guest - Apr 24, 2005 03:41 PM EDT
Great Picture!!! Carol
Guest - Apr 24, 2005 03:17 PM EDT
Well, you got the shot you hoped for and you can also give yourself a pat on the back for having a clean window :) Isn't he a beauty?

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