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A neighbor called our attention to this bird in our backyard . I do not know what it is ,,please help. Thanks!


Guest - Oct 16, 2006 11:08 PM EDT
Finally have heard from the Audobon Society and they say it is a red tailed hawk very common to this western New York area. We also thought Goshawk ,,,mystery solved ,,, Thanks for all the comments.
Guest - Oct 07, 2006 07:41 AM EDT
hi again, Betty, - have just been checking the bird book again, and am wondrin' if this might be a Goshawk? The red tailed hawks that we see here are much darker brown under the neck & chest, than this one. Have never seen a hawk with this much white on it. Apparently the goshawks do have the same "shape" as the red tailed hawks tho'.
Guest - Sep 08, 2006 01:30 AM EDT
Wonderful capture of this hawk. I like the colors and detail that you got, even the little catch light in the eye.
Guest - Sep 07, 2006 06:04 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra, I have a wonderful sweet Scottie dog and I am told that we do need to watch out for coyotes around him that have been spotted here.
Guest - Sep 07, 2006 06:01 PM EDT
LOL, Whittler ,,,,, poor squirrel did not look so good in this pic. I also think it may be a red-tailed hawk. thanks for the WOW!
Guest - Sep 07, 2006 05:32 PM EDT
I can't say much for the gray squirrel though.
Guest - Sep 07, 2006 05:30 PM EDT
You are a Red-tailed hawk I think,but I'm nearsighted so I could be wrong.If you are not a red-tailed hawk,you are still a WOW!!!!
Guest - Sep 07, 2006 04:26 PM EDT
great shot, Betty. Am not sure what it is tho'. Some type of a hawk I think. If you have a cat or small pet, perhaps you should watch it carefully.

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