Whitetail Doe in Winter

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Score: 17.15
Views: 304
Member: Alfresco
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A pretty whitetail deer, interrupting her browsing on twig dogwood branches to check out my intrusion on her space.


Alfresco - Jan 19, 2011 01:40 PM EDT
Thanks, Talsi and Anne, for the nice comments. This pretty lady was browsing near a road in a local park, and was ignoring the occasional passing cars. I stopped and shot several pictures from the car (hence the low angle of the shot) over a 15 minute period, until she was scared off by a passing jogger. Bruce
A.Lovely - Jan 04, 2011 04:21 PM EDT
I like the pose of the deer for this capture. The subtle colors of winter. That touch of red that beckens the eye. The textures are pleasing. I enjoyed viewing this capture.
talsi - Jan 03, 2011 10:55 AM EDT
Very nice capture

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