Whiffling Goose

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Member: donwrob
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About This Image

Well, when I took this photo this morning, I was amazed and baffled. This is a comp of the same goose, back to back frames. He actually flipped upside down while flying. I searched the internet and found out that this is actually a method that geese use to slow their speed before landing at times. It is called whiffling. What did we do before the internet? Thanks for looking :-). Don


Whiffling Geese in slow motion

Hans de Koning - Feb 19, 2012 12:28 PM EDT
Last summer I filmed whiffling geese with a high-speed camera (Phantom V710) with 800 fps. You can see a small compilation here: http://youtu.be/Tyzl4mDM5GM
Pinetree3 - Mar 29, 2010 06:27 PM EDT
Wow. That is pretty amazing. You taught me something. We have a lot of Canadian Geese flying around here. I have never noticed this before. I will keep my open for this interesting behavior. (If I am really super lucky I will be photographing them when it happens).
bubbalinn - Mar 28, 2010 10:31 AM EDT
Hi Don, This is a "great action photo" and amazing what they do. I had no idea they did that or what it was called, and turning there head that far around is something else.. I think the Internet is great, were all getting so much smarter from it. It has been a tad slow around here lately, I think posting the photos here first then over at Facebook a day later might help with the comments LOL..
donwrob - Mar 27, 2010 08:12 AM EDT
Thanks Bruce, a lucky catch for sure. Boy, the LF site seems dead anymore doesn't it? Back in the day, a goose flying upside down would draw at least a few comments. :-)
Alfresco - Mar 24, 2010 11:58 PM EDT
Also amazing, his head is still level with the ground, with the neck twisted 180 degrees. I wonder how far they can turn before they have to snap their head around and re-establish the "horizon"? Must be pretty disorienting. Great capture!

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