What do you think? Can we break out of here?

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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

My granddogs! Oh what patience to go outside they
have. It was fall and my daughter had there orange on so the hunters would see them. She lives
with these two sweet labradors on a mountain top


A.Lovely - Apr 17, 2008 10:53 AM EDT
Hi Mary and Alandra, Yes, Dakota and Brook Trout are best of buddies. They are great granddogs and they just love to go with my daughter when she does her weekend errands. During the hunting season, my daughter doesn't leave them out unless she is home. They stay near the house when she is home as they don't want to miss going on a ride with her. Thank you for stopping by to view and make comments.
alandrapal - Apr 16, 2008 04:28 PM EDT
What Beauties they are, Anne! Really a day-brightener to see this lovely image. It could be our 2 Yellow Labs sitting there, as they look almost the same, - Maggie is lighter coloured and Lucy is a bit darker, like these 2. Just love them, - all of them. I'd worry about the hunters too. What an awful thought.
marysham - Apr 03, 2008 12:31 PM EDT
Ann, first of all the thumbnail and title caught my eye and made me smile. Nice candid of this twosome with their orange bandanas. What also makes it interesting is the photo tells a story. Well done.
A.Lovely - Apr 03, 2008 09:47 AM EDT
Hi there Alan. Thanks for stopping to view my photograph. Yes, these dogs know that what my daughter says, is what they do and they are very good about waiting. They love going with her for a ride in her jeep. They came to visit my home that day and were really wanting to be outside. LOL
bubbalinn - Apr 02, 2008 05:11 PM EDT
Great photo that can tell so many different stories. I love how they are both looking at something and to be patience about going out is amazing. Wonderful photo...
Guest - Sep 16, 2007 11:54 AM EDT
Nice portrayel of the dogs longing to be outside.
Guest - Aug 10, 2007 06:56 PM EDT
Very cute shot and labs at that. Could they possibly be waiting for your daughter to get home?
Guest - Aug 10, 2007 02:07 AM EDT
They look very lovely fellows, I'd be quite afraid to let them go far with hunters about, that would be a worry,

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