What do you mean, you've got no food?!!!

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Score: 16.01
Views: 403
Member: Thor-eye
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About This Image

The photo I took after this one was the last draw card for this ostrich. He/she attacked me by quickly and aggressively pecking my camera. Sorry big bird! I got great photo's for the scare though. No worries about the camera, it's OK.
Next time I will be stocked up with food for him!

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Guest - Feb 02, 2006 09:08 PM EDT
Fantastic. I love this.
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 02:39 PM EDT
great closeup. lovely eyes he has, glad your camera is okay.
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 01:54 PM EDT
This is so close and clear (glad your camera survived!). Just got on to your pictures- great variety. Really like "Framed ship".
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 01:47 PM EDT
What to say... this is utterly charming :)

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