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believe this is a male Cedar Waxwing. Spotted this while at the Heron nesting area last evening, -it was gathering berries, probably for its youngsters.
Realize since seeing this one, that I've only ever seen the female waxwings before, as have never seen one with these colours.
It was quite timid, so was lucky to get any shots of it. Of course, I wish it had been more visible, but wanted to ID the bird, so couldn't be choosy as to where it landed.
Have been waiting for these to visit our garden, as they seem to pass thru once each summer. But now that I've seen where they nest, I don't expect to see any on our patio, as there's fresh water where they are now. Am still hoping tho' : ) esp after seeing this very pretty male.


Guest - Jul 06, 2006 05:39 PM EDT
have never seen this coloured one (male) before either, Carol, but didn't realize only the females had passed thru our patio other summers. Only ever see them here once or twice each summer, coming here to drink. Maybe when they first fly in, who knows, before they find other water and nesting areas locally.
Guest - Jul 06, 2006 08:53 AM EDT
I would like to have them visit here,cant recall ever seeing one. Nice to see one here. Carol
Guest - Jul 06, 2006 02:03 AM EDT
that's neat, Janice. Am glad the photo helped, wish it was a bit clearer, but it served a purpose : ) Was quite excited when I realized what it was, - it flew off before I got a shot the first time, so hung around, hoping it would return to the berry tree, and after awhile it did. too bad there are so many branches in the way, guess it was hiding.
Guest - Jul 06, 2006 01:06 AM EDT
Great shot. You have found my mystery bird. It was by the Heron getting berries off of a tree. I told everyone it looked like a cardinal with the tuft on top but was all brown. They told me it was a female cardinal. I told them it wasnt. Hey it was a cedar waxwing.

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