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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

While driving up the coast from California to Oregon I noticed this sign out in the weeds. It just struck me as funny.


bubbalinn - Apr 19, 2008 11:37 AM EDT
Hi Jas and Golda, Thanks very much for your fun comments. There sure are a lot of strange and funny signs. Golda, I'm not quite that old to remember the Burma Shave signs, but I have known about them for a long time. With Historic Route 66 going through Kingman and other towns around here there are Burma Shave copy cat signs here and there.
golda - Apr 18, 2008 07:49 PM EDT
Wonderful! I have fond memories of driving through different states while on holiday,and spotting all kinds of funny ones also.Hey Alan,do you remember "Burma Shave" signs?
Jas - Apr 18, 2008 03:22 PM EDT
Great shot Alan! Chriss35 and myself spent quite a lot of time laughing at some of the signs we came across in California last year! :)

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