Wasp building nest

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this wasp nest is under the eaves of our solarium, so I took the photo from the inside, thru the solarium glass. This shot shows the wasp just emerging from the entrance at the bottom of the nest. There was also a wasp working at the upper right top side. Am wondering how large it will be when finished. We have had huge nests built other years on a tree on our front lawn.


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Guest - Aug 23, 2005 02:55 AM EDT
not to worry Daniel. the nest has gone now, a crow tore it apart, you will see my comment above yours, where I told what happened.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 12:08 AM EDT
that thing's freakin huge i've seen these things attack people before and it ain't pretty.get that thing killed right away
Guest - May 15, 2005 01:50 PM EDT
just wanted to add to this. It's now May 2005, the wasp nest remained under the solarium eves all winter, until just the other day, when a crow decided to swoop down and pull chunks off the wasp nest! We were quite surprised to see this. So was our cat, who was snoozing on a chair, inside the solarium, right below where the nest is, when this big black flapping crow descended to tear the waspnest to shreds. Now there's just a bit remaining, with tatters hanging down : ) Wonder if the wasps will re build there, or choose someplace else.
Guest - Oct 17, 2004 09:20 PM EDT
We often have hornets around the place. They aren't terribly aggressive unless you get under the nest.
Guest - Jul 08, 2004 11:52 PM EDT
thanks, Lloyd for praise and concern. Wasn't sure whether to call them hornets or wasps when submitting it : ) They are here each year. That nest is very high up, at least 12 - 15 feet, as our property slopes downwards at the back. We just ignore them and they don't cause any trouble. Should send in the huuuge nest photo from previous year. This is first time they've built under solarium eaves, usually out on front lawn in a tree there. They leave eventually, when fall comes. Alandra
Guest - Jul 08, 2004 05:40 PM EDT
Nice shot,Now call a extermenator to get rid of them before someone gets hurt, they are Hornets,and are very agressive.

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