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Score: 15.6
Views: 115
Member: Audfrogg
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About This Image

The brides dress... This actually ended up being one of the faves from the collection of non-people images from the wedding. The bride said it looked like how she felt... waiting for it's moment to shine. Suspended in time.


lorraine - Jan 19, 2009 04:40 PM EDT
Very nice capture, I do like this, a moment in time.
Audfrogg - Jan 19, 2009 09:30 AM EDT
Thank you Grumpy... in retrospect, there was a beautiful embossed wallpaper in the hall, if only that were hanging there... lol, I bet it would have picked up those grays and blacks and really looked neat. :D
GRUMPY - Jan 18, 2009 04:25 PM EDT
wonderfull capture the little bits of gry and black give this a depth and character aswell good work

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