View from Blowing Rock

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About This Image

Photographed from Blowing Rock North Carolina showing the Blue Ridge Mountains and Grandfather Mountain in the background.
The town Blowing Rock is situated in both Caldwell and Watauga counties. The actual Blowing Rock itself sticks outward over the Johns River gorge, wind currents from the gorge below often blow upwards vertically which carry up light objects.
Photographed with 35mm Kodachrome 64 slide film.


Ostar - Dec 13, 2008 05:26 PM EDT
thank you Alovely, the "blue" of the Blue Ridge Mountains really shows well in the shot.
A.Lovely - Dec 13, 2008 12:53 PM EDT
What beautifully captured layers of the mountains. So well photographed.
Ostar - Dec 12, 2008 07:12 AM EDT
Thank you Art57, it was one of my many favorite weekend getaway places while living in NC.
Art57 - Dec 11, 2008 08:51 PM EDT
Nice capture.

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