Very cold winter for some

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Member: Matt
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About This Image

So I had to go into the city for a few hours and thought it a good chance to take the camera for a run and heres some of my results.
I like old architecture, I know nothing about it but it apeals to my eye, the older the better, I can truly respect the amount of work and effort it took to make some of these designs, what takes a few hours on a PC was all done by hand a long time before a lot of us were born.
These were all taken in Sydney Australia on the 27th Oct.

I hope you enjoy and take care.


Matt - Dec 17, 2010 08:02 AM EDT
Thanks very much for looking and our comments, I appreciate it.
talsi - Oct 28, 2010 08:59 PM EDT
Nice street scene
Karen Moen - Oct 28, 2010 03:22 PM EDT
Excellent architectural study, and nicely contrasted against the modern buildings in the background.

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