Verde River Valley from Jerome

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Member: gminniss
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I have yet to visit the large white building down the hill from downtown Jerome. I think it might be part of the Jerome State Historic Park. By the way, the town of Jerome is on the list of National Historic Places. If you are ever in central Arizona, don't miss this place. Very interesting.


Guest - Nov 30, 2004 08:20 PM EDT
That's right, you probably can see 100 miles. One of my other photos from Jerome shows the mountains behind Flagstaff, 80 miles away. I have found out a few more things about this photo. The big white building is the museum in Jerome State Park. It was originally the mansion of the man who owned the Little Daisy Mine. The black structures this side of the mansion are the openings to the mine. There is a 3D display in the mansion showing where all of the tunnels went under the town and all about. Not a place I'd want to have to work in.
Guest - Nov 30, 2004 04:13 PM EDT
What a view, looks like you can see for a hundred miles.Thats great, I like it.
Guest - Oct 06, 2004 11:46 AM EDT
Right you are. The world certainly is an interesting place. I have lived in many places in the US and there is always something interesting, wherever I go.
Guest - Oct 06, 2004 05:02 AM EDT
fascinating looking countryside, Gary, to someone like me, who has never experienced the scenery in the area! So totally different to what my eyes are used to looking at, around here : ) The world is such an interesting place, right. so many contrasts.

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