Unusual Flower

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Member: Lulu
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I don't know what these are called They were very unusual but extremely pretty.


peruvian lily

dianne haist - May 31, 2021 12:10 AM EDT
found it in garden of house I bought in NZ but it took my brotherinlaw from Canada to identify it for me!

Peruvian Bluebells

Theresa Hollick - Oct 07, 2013 01:14 AM EDT
These can be bought at Kings Plant Barn so I presume they sell them at other nurseries the cost $12 .99@ just ask for them by the name.

The Above Flower

Theresa Hollick - Oct 05, 2013 05:49 AM EDT
We have these flowers in our Family Cemetary Purple/Blue and White only They must like the NZ Climate, wouldnt mind some of these myself may try the local Nurseries.
Guest - Dec 15, 2006 03:34 AM EDT
Gee thanks Tania. This photo is a little old now so its nice to get a comment.
Guest - Dec 11, 2006 05:15 PM EDT
Lulu. this is fantastic. very beautiful flower and you have captured it realy well.
Guest - Oct 02, 2006 04:18 PM EDT
Hi Brian. I'd have dozens of these in my garden too if only I knew what they really were so I could buy them. Probably look stupid going to the garden shop with a photo asking if I could buy them - then, maybe not. Because these are a bulb, they would multiply on their own until you had dozens.
Guest - Sep 30, 2006 02:15 PM EDT
This is a very beautiful flower. I'd love to have dozens of them in my yard.
Guest - Mar 13, 2006 02:32 PM EDT
Hi Lulu, think the mystery is finally solved, saw it on another person's gallery : ) She says it's a Peruvian Scilla, or in other words, a Peruvian Bluebell, which explains why it's not like the "bluebells" as we know them.
Guest - Oct 02, 2005 03:35 AM EDT
I was walking around my garden today and spotted one of these growing in amongst some natives. Funny, I never knew I had one when I took this photo. What a discovery!
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 04:21 PM EDT
Thanks Lulu,thats a really nice complement...we forgot to complement on your scilla pic...you have cropped this squarely which presents it well,thanks again.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 03:37 AM EDT
I think it is a hyacinth a friend gave me a bulb or two and now there is lots,they can flower twice in one season I'm pretty sure they are a type of hyacinth which love water...
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 01:24 AM EDT
Hi again, Lulu, have just read about the bulb being a Scilla! We do get these here, - infact did see that in the bulb section of the books I looked in, recently, but it showed the flower in full bloom, which looks much different to the partially opened one. It was the green "fronds" that threw me off, as had never seen them that closeup before. And of course, you can't tell what size things are, from the pics. I had the same thing with pics of "flags" I took a few days ago. Huge flags blowing in the breeze, but the pics don't give you the idea of the size of the flags. I think scillas are named for the Scilly Isles, which might be where they originated. good to know what these are.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 12:56 AM EDT
Thanks Whittler. This has since opened all the way up like I suspected. I haven't seen it but my sister Shirree told me it had. Oh, and we asked the nurseryman at a local park if he knew what it was called. He said it was called (please excuse the spelling) Scillia or something like that. I remember the name as when he told us, Shirree said just to remember that she is sillier than I am :-) I was likening it more to cillia which are located in the small intestine. Oh well, at least we got a name for it.
Guest - Sep 06, 2005 12:19 PM EDT
WOW,very unusual and a pretty flower as well. Great shot.
Guest - Sep 06, 2005 05:54 AM EDT
I'll ask my mum or maybe print off a photo and take it into a garden store. I'm really anxious to see what it looks like now though so might take a trip there tomorrow just satisfy my curiosity.
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 05:08 PM EDT
checked my "bulb book" last evening, to try to find the name of this, Lulu, no luck. Am wondering if it's something that grows in NZ only, - if it's growing wild, that could be the reason, altho if it's a cultivated bulb, you'd think it would grow elsewhere also, as the other bulbs do. Will keep looking tho' as would like to find out what it is.
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 03:17 PM EDT
Another beauty. I love the angle. A very elegant photo. You look like you have mastered your new camera and are having fun with it.
Guest - Sep 03, 2005 09:12 PM EDT
Hi Alandra. Yes, a new camera (especially this one) is really exciting. I just use the standard 18-55mm lens on these photos and set it onto macro. Oh yeah, sometimes I actually use the manual focus setting too. Have a look through my gallery as there are more close-up flower photos that I think you may not have seen yet. I will look at getting more lenses for my camera at a later date but they are quite expensive. Have borrowed a 75-300mm zoom so am having some fun with that at the moment. Had to break out the old tripod though. The canon digital SLR were recommended in our local consumer magazine and thats why I got the one I did. I just got less megapixels than the latest one but it suits me just fine. I'm glad you are enjoying my new photos.
Guest - Sep 03, 2005 05:56 PM EDT
Hi Lulu, just noticed that you got a new camera! that's exciting, I wondered which lens you used to take this shot and that other one I admired, forget title, will have to go check, as they're very sharply detailed, and am trying to decide on "which" camera and lens to invest in. thankyou. Alandra
Guest - Sep 03, 2005 01:28 PM EDT
Thanks Carol. Will go and look at it again soon and see how it is progressing.
Guest - Sep 02, 2005 09:27 AM EDT
Beautiful blue flower, great picture!!! Carol
Guest - Sep 02, 2005 03:58 AM EDT
Thanks Karen and Alandra for your comment. Was really hoping Alandra that you would know what this one was. It is a spring bulb and about the size of an iris. I may have to keep an eye on this one to see what it turns into. I got a new camera so I thought it was a good subject to try it out on.
Guest - Aug 31, 2005 02:04 AM EDT
echoing everyone elses' comments, totally beautiful, and wonderful detail, Lulu. Have not seen this before either, but love the form of it, and agree, it seems as if the flowers will continue to emerge right upwards to the top. Is it a spring bulb of some type, - and what size is it? - hard to tell from the photo.
Guest - Aug 31, 2005 01:07 AM EDT
Sharp detail and great color. I have nevwe seen one of these.
Guest - Aug 29, 2005 07:03 PM EDT
I would so love to know what these flowers are called as I want to grow some. They are really different, I just love it. I suspect that the whole thing ends up in flower like the bottom of it.
Guest - Aug 29, 2005 12:26 AM EDT
Wow! Can anyone tell us what these are called? Again .... Wow!

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