Ultimate Horror Movie Poster!

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Score: 26.33
Views: 1259
Member: SeanyD
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About This Image

Took me around a year on and off to complete. There are no photos in this image!! It is purely a drawing with lead and pen (allthough i did use photoshop to add the border ;) ). Thankyou. Hope all you horror fanatics like it.

Starting from the top left...ending bottem right..

The Thing from The Thing
The Toothfairy from Darkness Falls
Dracula from Bram Stokers Dracula
Evil Ash from Army Of Darkness
Critter from The Critters
Terminator from Terminator
Alien from Alien
IT from IT
Jason Vorhees from Friday the 13th
Michael Myers from Halloween
Leatherface from Chainsaw Massacre
Pinhead from Hellraiser
Freddy Kruger from Nightmare On Elm Street
Candyman from Candyman
Predator from Predator
Chucky from Childs Play
The Djinn from Wishmaster
Lord Of Darkness from Legend
Scream from Scream &
The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers!



Who are you?

Feri - Mar 25, 2013 09:09 AM EDT
And who is that guy at the left bottom end?
Guest - Jan 02, 2008 02:48 AM EDT
Wow, this is an incredible creation. You are quite a talented artist.

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