
Stats and Info
Score: 10.17
Views: 225
Member: Mark Ewington
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About This Image

This is a Black & White Phot that I took of a wall of tyres to create an abstract. The tyre in the middle creates the whole picture.


Guest - Nov 15, 2006 06:11 PM EDT
Interesting capture Mark, I found myself inspecting all the different tread styles and the amount or lack of wear on each and every one, but I don't know why. It held my attention for a good amount of time. Neat work, Don
Guest - Nov 15, 2006 03:08 PM EDT
I like this shot very much, and it's a good contrast with some of the more conventionally "pretty" images on the site. If I had one criticism though it would be on the lighting. I think it's a bit flat for a B/W image, and could do with a little more punch. Still an excellent shot.

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