Turkey Vulture

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OK bird lovers - please correct me if I'm wrong. I believe this red-headed critter is a Turkey Vulture. Yes? For some reason the Caloosahachee River has been inundated with a tropical fish that cannot survive in the brackish water near Alva, Florida. The vultures are having a field day, but their numbers are rather daunting.

We were there for a picnic with friends last weekend and were surprised how close they let us come to them with our cameras.


Guest - Feb 08, 2007 04:20 PM EDT
Thank you. I'll be posting one more shortly - but it isn't quite as intense as this one
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 05:06 PM EDT
I LOVE turkey vultures!! Great shot.
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 04:23 PM EDT
Thank you for all the fun comments, Steve,Carol, Karen, Mary, Don and Alex. Karen, you're right about them looking darker - the sky was overcasr but the late afternoon glow gave it a lighter coloration than normal. Steve, they ain't purty, that's for sure, but the way the light hit on this one actually helps. I have a wood stork photo from last year taken nearby on TLF. They are gorgeous to watch in the sky, flying, but like this fellow are also carion eaters and have the same featherless, ugly heads up close. I agree with you Mary - they can look decidedly creepy - a shot like this helps a bit though - and they do keep Florida's roads nice and clean! I was fairly certain it was a turkey vulture because of its red head - but there's another common one too with a lighter-colored head.
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 03:20 PM EDT
WOW!! very nice shot.
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 07:58 AM EDT
It isn't an easy task to make one of these guys look good in a photo. But, you did it Vicki! Very nice looking Turkey Vulture capture! Don
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 01:22 AM EDT
Vicki, good closeup of this bird with wonderful detail. I once saw lots of them lined up on a tree in Florida and it gave me a creepy feeling.
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 08:38 PM EDT
Great close-up detail. That's what we call them here in Texas, although some of them are darker. The bald head is the clue! You made it look rather dignified! Lol!
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 06:31 PM EDT
Great capture of the Bird! Carol
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 06:14 PM EDT
I can't help with the identification, but I'm happy to go on record as saying that he's seriously ugly, whatever he is! But a great shot despite the sitter's weakness in the beauty department.

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