Turkey Fan

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Score: 15.3
Views: 204
Member: whittler113
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About This Image

A tom turkey in our yard this spring is showing off his fan.


Guest - Jun 09, 2006 03:52 PM EDT
Thanks for the great comments,they sure do strut their stuff in the spring,to attract a mate.
Guest - Jun 08, 2006 08:41 PM EDT
I don't know why I am so fasinated by these crazy birds. I guess I have never seen them before now in the wild. Too cool. So they do stick their feathers up in the air like that.....!!! I'm having so much fun viewing these turkey pics.
Guest - Jun 08, 2006 05:21 PM EDT
Great shot of the turkey's fan. It looks like he was not in the mood for a photo shoot:) All he needs is some beads around his neck and for someone to paint his toes red and blue to match his face. Turkeys always remind me of the long ago Indians with there war paint on there faces and feather head dress, in Tom's case rear dress LOL..
Guest - Jun 08, 2006 03:37 PM EDT
a proud strutter there.

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