Tulip Tree Blossom minus frame

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Score: 14.52
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Member: alandrapal
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here's the tulip tree flower minus the framing. My DH said he would have sent this one in :) Maybe I'll dump the framed version.


Guest - May 15, 2007 12:49 AM EDT
appreciate your nice comments, Marsha Sea and Plumeriagrl. It is just fine without the frame. that was "gilding the lily" , as the saying goes :)
Guest - May 14, 2007 10:26 PM EDT
Wonderful contrasting colors and stiking shape of the lavander blossom. I really like how the light filters through the top half of the petals. It's as if the petals are reaching for the glorious warmth of the sun. Gorgeous.
Guest - May 14, 2007 07:44 PM EDT
I must have missed the framed version. But, I am not really a fan of frames either. This a very lovely photo, and I think it is very beautiful without a frame.
Guest - May 14, 2007 04:23 PM EDT
I agree, Lorraine, this is better.
Guest - May 14, 2007 04:02 PM EDT
I have to admit I'm not a frame person really, but I do like this better with out the frame, just something about seeing the whole image, very nice.

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