Trees Behind Bars

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Member: Rebeccaatthewell
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Tonight at 10. The untold story, What Happens When Good Trees Go Bad. Chicago. LOL!!


Guest - Oct 28, 2005 02:19 AM EDT
lo... bless its a sad world when they have to keep the trees from the wood!! poor babies...but i love the pic!
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 07:42 PM EDT
That is good, wish I had thought of it LOL!! I found it totally hysterical that the city found it neccessary to put the evergreen trees behind cables where everything else is wide open and the "bars" don't exactly protect the trees from people, so I figure that it must be to protect the people from the trees :D.
Guest - Aug 26, 2005 02:52 PM EDT
Oh no! The bars are too thin. The trees could "leaf" at any time.

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