Traveling to Nawlins

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Member: Dudley
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About This Image

Sign was up before hurricane Katrina but is more appropriate now.


Guest - Jan 27, 2006 05:04 AM EDT
No, thank you for being interested. If you ever come to New Orleans, email me and let me know so we can meet. Mom, Mary, and I would be upset if you passed by and did not visit. By the way, the way to my blog is:
Guest - Jan 26, 2006 02:15 PM EDT
Kudos to you, Dud. Thank you again!
Guest - Jan 25, 2006 07:05 PM EDT
Thanks much. I will try to keep you informed. My blog and my pictures are the ways that I express myself and my feelings about the city I love too.
Guest - Jan 25, 2006 02:01 PM EDT
Dud - the photo is terrific in itself, but is appropriately full of innuendos. Thank you for your update on the "old girl" - we need to hear from those, like you, who have been through her highs and lows. Many thanks
Guest - Jan 24, 2006 05:03 PM EDT
Thanks!! The city is dried. There are many abandoned houses in some sections of the city. The old sectiions of the city, where the founding fathers of the city lived, never had any water to begin with and are back active. Some of the newer houses are just as fortunate. Unfortunately, there are large sections of the city that are completely wiped out and will never return. Many of these houses have mold in them and worse. It is the spirit of many of these people that is going to bring the city back. Sorry for rambling but I hope I answered the question. Thanks for asking.
Guest - Jan 24, 2006 04:04 PM EDT
Nice shot Dud,thats a neat sign.Is the city starting to dry up now?

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