Tower Bridge

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Member: sgbrown
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Perhaps London's most famous tourist image, shot here in bright winter sunshine to bring out the texture. Unfortunately the road bridge was not raised to let a ship past, something I've always wanted to see but never have!


Guest - Jan 09, 2007 04:48 AM EDT
Then you must come and see it in the flesh some time! Thanks for looking and commenting.
Guest - Jan 09, 2007 04:08 AM EDT
That is such an impressive sight! Nothing like that over here.
Guest - Dec 14, 2006 03:56 AM EDT
Thank you so much Mary for for your encouraging comments, and I'm delighted that you like my pictures, both here and on my websites. Water levels in the Thames are gradually rising, both because SE England as a whole is slowly sinking into the North Sea (which we can't do anything about) and more urgently because sea levels are rising as a result of global warming (which we could and should do something about,but which we are failing as a planet to do). However, because the Thames is tidal in London the water level is constantly rising and falling twice every day: it's the rising level of high tides which causes concern. The Thames Barrier (seen in another of my images on TLF) is currently masking these changes by preventing very high tides from reaching London, but it will not be able to cope for much longer unless we take urgent action. Steve
Guest - Dec 14, 2006 01:38 AM EDT
I've been enjoying all of your photos Steve, including this one...and photos from France and England on your other web sites. Beautiful architecture. Is the water level usually higher...I don't know if I'm seeing a water level marking on the towers.
Guest - Dec 13, 2006 06:37 PM EDT
I have read about Sir Walter Raleigh being imprisoned there and several others. *g* I would love to see this one. Is a lion still there to roar? I read they used to have them.
Guest - Dec 11, 2006 11:27 AM EDT
Thanks Don for your very kind comments on this and the others in my London series. I started this for bubbalin in a way who posted a comment on my aerial shot of Westminster. I realised that although I live in one of the world's greatest cities, I'd never really captured it photographically. How familiarity breeds contempt, and it's taken comments such as yours and other American contributors' to make me realise what a photographic goldmine this city is. So I hope you'll enjoy more of my London images over the coming weeks! And if you do make it here in the flesh, I'd be only too happy to be your personal guide - and of course to drink a few beers with our wives! Steve
Guest - Dec 11, 2006 10:51 AM EDT
Very cool shot of the Tower Bridge Steve! You have me dreaming of a trip over there with all these great shots. Maybe someday, I'll put it on the list. If we do, you and the wife will have to join us for a drink in one of those famous old pubs :-). Don
Guest - Dec 10, 2006 08:59 PM EDT
Lovely photo!I can see why it would atract tourist. Carol

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