To be a bee

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Member: gminniss
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About This Image

We have rattle snakes, gila monsters, tarantulas, scorpions and javalinas, but this is the most dangerous critter on the desert. You don't want to bump into a bee hive. There's nowhere to go to get away from them.


Guest - Oct 31, 2005 05:06 PM EDT
Thanks, Alandra. I actually just have a little point-shoot Sony. It doesn't have any real macro capability. So, I just get in as close as I dare.
Guest - Oct 22, 2005 05:32 PM EDT
this is a really good macro, Gary, and I love the bright yellow colour of the flower. beautiful.
Guest - Nov 30, 2004 08:23 PM EDT
Yes. We do have the killer bees. I don't worry about rattlesnakes, scorpions, gila monsters or tarantulas when I'm on the desert. I do watch out for those bees though. They are, indeed, very agressive.
Guest - Nov 30, 2004 04:01 PM EDT
Good shot, very sharp and clear.Do you have the killer bees out there? Sounds like they might be very aggressive.

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