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Member: Vincent
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About This Image

This is Tique(pron:teekey)he is such a friendly kitten he reminds me of a puppy the way he follows me around.My daughter and I were thinking of names for him and my daughter suggested mystique and I said unique, so Tique was named.(we think he is 'cheeky')


Guest - Feb 22, 2006 09:17 PM EDT
Thank you Alandra and Marshasea for you nice comments,we know the mother of this kitten was part persian but the father visited our front door just after they were born and he was white with a grey tubby saddle,both parents had light green eyes.
Guest - Feb 22, 2006 08:30 AM EDT
What a cute kitten. He has such unusual coloring.
Guest - Feb 21, 2006 05:18 PM EDT
very pretty kitten. looks as if he's part Himalayan?

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