tiger beetle

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Score: 22.63
Views: 1214
Member: rlephoto
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About This Image

I found this tiger beetle in large numbers along a dirt road in Alleghany Co., NC on April 17, 2005. Most kept well clear of my camera except this one.


Goss i love One Tree

Aliaan - Nov 25, 2015 02:16 PM EDT
Goss i love One Tree Hill~~~~ i've watch all of the eposide that you guys have.. didn't miss a day or eposide.. Can't wait for the season 8 to comes out cuz i miss it and i'm dying to know what will happen to Quinn and Clay! anyways my favorite couple is Nathan and Haley, they look great together. Btw i hope everything will turn out find to those couple cuz they been through a lot. Hopefully there aren't anymore sad scene cuz the season 7 make me cried a lot.. Love One Tree Hill forever~~
Guest - Apr 23, 2005 01:19 AM EDT
HELLO I am entomologist, can you send me photo of insects and name of them thnk you www.hen12052002@yahoo.com
Guest - Apr 22, 2005 01:44 PM EDT
I'd agree with C. tranquebarica tranqueberica Herbst.
Guest - Apr 22, 2005 06:38 AM EDT
Looks like C. tranqeubarica to me.
Guest - Apr 22, 2005 06:11 AM EDT
it looks like cicindela repanda. and don't worry they tend to keep just as clear of nets as well. they can be rather difficult to catch

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