Things Are Growing Under the Trees

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Member: A.Lovely
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I saw these growing under the trees on a walk. Called Shaggy Mane Mushrooms or Inky Caps. Thanks Alfesco for helping me on identifying the name for this one.


A.Lovely - Oct 25, 2008 04:15 PM EDT
Hi Talsi, Thank you for viewing and leaving a comment.
talsi - Oct 24, 2008 09:18 AM EDT
Nice lighting on the little mushrooms
A.Lovely - Oct 18, 2008 04:20 PM EDT
Hi there Bruce, Thank you for viewing and leaving a comment. I bet you are right. I really didn't know what it was, only that it looked interesting. Thank you for such a wonderful discription. I appreciate it.
Alfresco - Oct 15, 2008 12:44 AM EDT
A very nice shot of what appear to be Shaggy Mane mushrooms, also called Inky Caps. They generally appear in September and October. The Inky Cap name is from their property of turning black and degrading into a gooey mess after about a week. They're supposed to be good eating when picked fresh, but don't trust my identification from the photo to determine edibility, they could possibly be toxic. We usually have a lot of them in the back yard, but they haven't appeared yet this year. Bruce

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