The Tower Of London And Surrounding Skyline

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Member: Jas
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About This Image

This photograph, of The Historic Tower of London and the surrounding skyline, including the ultra modern 'Gherkin'(building shaped like a torpedo), is what came to mind when "The Winds Of Change" was suggested for the current competition.

Architecture, has evolved over centuries and skylines all across the world change constantly; some more slowly (in a gentle breeze) and others more quickly and dramatically, like the gusting of the wind.

Thanks for looking. :)


Jas - Aug 27, 2008 03:56 PM EDT
Thanks Mary, Lorraine and Carol for your comments; am glad you like it. Mary, I thought that the building must have had another name but it doesn't. I think it's sometimes known as 'The Cucumber' too. It certainly is a wonderful piece of architecture and thanks for the extra info'. :)
shutterbug - Aug 25, 2008 05:30 PM EDT
Lovely scene of the Skyline and Architecture. Carol
lorraine - Aug 25, 2008 04:26 PM EDT
An interesting image, the old with the new.
marysham - Aug 25, 2008 01:41 PM EDT
An interesting architectural/skyline shot Jas, especially viewing the larger version. Enjoyed reading your description. I was interested and curious about the name Gherkin building because of Gherkin pickles so did a google search on it and found that in December 2005, the building was voted the most admired new building in the world, in a survey of the world's largest firms of architects, as published in 2006 BD World Architecture 200.

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