The Sunshine Skyway Bridge

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The Sunshine Skyway Bridge is a cable stayed design built with steel and concrete that spans over Tampa Bay Florida it connects St. Petersburg, Pinellas Conty to Terra Ceia in Manatee County and passing though Hillsborough County waters.

Construction started in 1982 to replace the old Sunshine Skyway also shown here after the freighter accident in 1980 killing 35 people.
The new bridge opened in February 1987 just months before this shot which shows it under final phase of construction.
The old bridge was demolished in 1991.


Ostar - Dec 16, 2008 12:14 PM EDT
thank you Jas for commenting, It's a beautiful bridge but like any bridge I can't wait to get off of it. :)
Jas - Dec 16, 2008 08:31 AM EDT
Really nice shot of the Sunshine Bridge. We drove over it back in October, on our way back to Tampa airport, from Naples. :)
Ostar - Dec 15, 2008 02:52 PM EDT
Thank you Talsi, it was hard taking this shot as I was in a friends boat and as you can see the current wasn't friendly so I had to settle for a quick shutter speed.
talsi - Dec 15, 2008 09:04 AM EDT
Nice shot of the bridges.

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