The Stretch

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Member: Alfresco
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Working hard for lunch, one mouthful of sunflower seeds at a time. He climbed that pole about thirty times, maybe he liked ringing the wind chime as well.


tawna21 / Thank

Alison - Nov 25, 2015 10:40 AM EDT
tawna21 / Thank you, David, for this vlog and your words of encouragement to us about being happy when life is tough. I can't bevliee what Marius has gone thru and he is still so positive about life. I'm glad you are taking some well-deserved time off. Hiking is good food for the soul. I wish I would do it more, because Utah has some amazing places to hike!The Asia Tour was amazing via YouTube, so I can only imagine what it was like to be there in person!! I'm so glad you were able to go there for those really great, great people on that side of the world. We are all behind you in your choices and decisions. And, we can't wait for the Christmas Tour! ♥
donwrob - Aug 02, 2009 10:35 AM EDT
Great shot Bruce! Fun to watch the squirrels firgure ways to steal bird food isn't it? Smart little guys for sure. Don
whittler113 - Aug 02, 2009 08:34 AM EDT
A great shot of this little acrobat.
A.Lovely - Aug 01, 2009 09:33 PM EDT
What a wonderful action shot of this hungry squirrel.
LauraJohnson - Aug 01, 2009 09:05 PM EDT
wow, great photo.
golda - Aug 01, 2009 05:19 PM EDT
What a stretch!!!!Great shot.
bubbalinn - Aug 01, 2009 11:58 AM EDT
What a great photo and really fun to view.. They sure can do some acrobatics. I thought the wind was really blowing until I read he was making the chimes ring.

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