The Photojournalist 2

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A shot of a photojournalist's camera and the scene he is shooting. In case you are wondering what exactly is going on in the out of focus background: A group of police officers surround the body of Chauncy Bailey, a prominent city reporter and editor, who was shot down on an Oakland street in broad daylight. Following their inital inquiry, they are preparing to load the body into the coroner's van.


Guest - Sep 07, 2007 08:34 PM EDT
Thanks for your comment, Tania. This is actually a highly cropped wide angle shot, that included the face of the photog. I decided not to include him or the surrounding area, and instead provide just enough information to give the viewer the "feel" of the scene. What I particularly like is that one can easily imagine that they are the photographer looking at their own hand with the camera. The shot was originally in color, but I decided to post as a B&W to give it that "newspaper look".
Guest - Sep 07, 2007 07:49 PM EDT
Very cleaver comp. I love the clear camera and hand with the blurred background. it adds drama to an already dramatic scene

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