The Penobscot Narrow's Bridge

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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

Today was so nice a took a short drive down the river
to where the sea meets the fresh water. There the new
bridge is an attraction for many to view. There is an
observation place in one of towers that will take people to the top. I wasn't able to do the tower as I had Zoe (dog) with me as we searched for a picture.
I plan to go back and get more pictures and try the tower.


A.Lovely - Dec 14, 2008 12:20 PM EDT
Thank you Ostar for dropping in to view my photograph and leaving a comment. I noticed you have a photograph of a bridge quite similar in it constuction on your site.
Ostar - Dec 13, 2008 05:30 PM EDT
stunning image, the sky in this is a perfect backdrop and the boats an added bonus, excellent capture !
A.Lovely - Sep 05, 2008 09:11 PM EDT
Thank you Jas for viewing and commenting on my photograph. The day was a beautiful day and I was not the only person taking a picture of the bridge from this vantage. The lady said that her pictures go to an art studio and many tourists buy them. We had a great chat and I forgot to check out her lens. lol That day where I was standing there was a cruise ship not far away docked and waiting for it's passengers to shop and return. It was a beautiful day.
Jas - Sep 05, 2008 06:07 PM EDT
Very nice capture of the bridge, Ann. It looks very modern and has such beautiful surroundings. :)

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