The Obervation Tower of PN Bridge

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Score: 13.88
Views: 105
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

Many people go up in this area of the bridge to see
the Penscot River entering the bay. I plan to go
up someday and get some captures.


A.Lovely - Jul 26, 2010 04:27 PM EDT
Thank Alan for viewing and leaving a comment. Did I ever mention I have a fear of heights? lol I plan on going up there but there have been some problems with the elevator this past year. I'm waiting for the bugs to be worked out. I'm going to do it though. Mybe this fall would be nice.... :-)
bubbalinn - Jul 26, 2010 11:31 AM EDT
Wonderful photo! That looks like a great place to get some photos. I like all of the lines and that you added in some of the trees to break up the view.. ~Alan~

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