The Faces of Noambe

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Member: fotonaut
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Noambe Falls in New Mexico. Mirrored the left wall of the falls to create the cool faces effect.


Guest - Nov 14, 2005 07:44 PM EDT
Wow that is so enchanting its beautifulli could sit here all day and stare at it. Well done
Guest - Dec 03, 2004 02:38 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra, Deb and Jim. This was one of those shots that I had previsualized completely differently, then after reviewing it on the computer, saw the elements of a Caponigro composite. So Alandra, to answer your question, the faces are actually only apparent when the mirrored half is gradually brought into the original photo, then carefully dodged and burned in from the characteristics already present in the rocks and water. The shot I took after couldn't pull this off as it was a 2 second shot to create the silky effect of time-lapse water movement. I'll upload that shot too so you can see the difference. -Derrick
Guest - Nov 29, 2004 05:00 AM EDT
What a cool effect. Deb is right you can look at this for ages. very engaging.
Guest - Nov 29, 2004 01:31 AM EDT
That's quite fascinating - all kinds of different things in there if you keep looking :)
Guest - Nov 27, 2004 12:24 AM EDT
that's neat. did you put the "faces" in there, or was that naturally occurring in the rocks?

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