Tender Moment

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Member: donwrob
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Well, they came back. At about 2:00 this afternoon 9 of them came up in the yard to feed. It was interesting to watch and photograph them for about 45 minutes. They were kind of mean to one another at times, using their front feet to smack the younger deer and chase them away. Later I caught this tender moment and felt a little better about their meanness earlier. A smootch between mother and yearling. Thanks for looking. Don


A.Lovely - Jul 05, 2009 11:08 PM EDT
Outstanding photograph, Don. Just found it and certainly enjoyed this moment captured.
Guest - Jul 09, 2007 03:40 AM EDT
a truly unique 1 in a million shot don
Guest - Jul 08, 2007 11:16 PM EDT
Hi Don, well, as usual, am last again LOL :) Was glad to see that Vicki also only just found this one, now I don't feel so guilty :) It's a wonderful image, and am echoing all the other comments. Am surprised about the older deer bashing the heads of the younger ones with their hooves tho' - had no idea they did that. Thought deer were gentle and timid animals. I notice the same thing with the raccoons here too. They can be nice to their young, but when it comes to sharing the food, "no", the mother raccoon grabs "whatever" and turns away from the baby, so she can gobble it all herself. The blind mama is doing this all the time, and the poor baby gives up in the end. But then I feel sorry for mama too, as she has a hard time foraging for food I guess.
Guest - Jul 08, 2007 06:45 AM EDT
Don, so sweet so pretty, thank you for sharing, Congratulations to this shot.
Guest - Jul 07, 2007 08:43 PM EDT
I can't add anymore than has already been said, Don. I missed this before, but am so glad to catch up with it now. It's tremendous. Vicki
Guest - Feb 22, 2007 01:54 PM EDT
what a beautiful moment and you captured it perfectly.
Guest - Feb 21, 2007 04:15 PM EDT
The trouble is - this picture speaks for itself!!! So what can I say?? How very loving and beautiful. Thanks for the blessing you gave us. It will go with me all day. (hugs)
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 10:44 PM EDT
Thanks Alex and Golda. You 2 are 100% correct. This is just the way it is to try and survive in the wild. I guess I maybe watched the Bambe movie with my daughters to many times when they were kids. I could never imagine Bambe's mother cracking him in the skull with her front hoves, making a sound like smacking a cocoanut with a hammer. And I know most parents would let their children eat and get their fill first before eating themselves. But, that is what seperates us from most other animals I guess. Nature can be cruel. I just don't like that part of the world much. Thanks again, Don
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 08:57 PM EDT
Don,the ones you call the "meaner"shots, are just good examples of their natural pecking order,and their constant fight to stay fed at this time of the year.How wonderful for you to have such a good vantage point.
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 12:51 PM EDT
WOW!! what a neat shot,it looks like that $5.00 bag of grain is paying off for you. The older deer are probably trying to get the nutrients for the young they are carrying.
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 08:34 AM EDT
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Now I'm hesitant to post any of the meaner shots with the nasty pawing. It would ruin the pleasant thoughts everyone is having about the deer smootching :-). Don
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 08:19 AM EDT
I got agree with Steve,everyone has said it all. Remarkable to catch a photo like this,just Beautiful! Carol
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 02:52 AM EDT
Everyone's said it all already, but this is indeed a magical moment. Great shot.
Guest - Feb 20, 2007 12:12 AM EDT
Don you are so lucky to have these visitors and they gave you this show (tender love). Great capture.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 10:35 PM EDT
WOW!! I have to double the comments of excellent, touching, wonderfully sweet, and beautiful. What a great photo and really fun to view.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 09:45 PM EDT
What a wonderfully sweet photo...
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 08:17 PM EDT
Oh, what a very touching image. Excellent shot.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 08:12 PM EDT
Thanks Mary. Yes, we feed them. Mostly during bad weather when their normal feed is under ice and snow and hard for them to find. I put shell corn out is all, 10lbs a day aprox. The feed store has 50lb bags for under $5.00. I have had salt lick blocks but none presently. Don
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 07:40 PM EDT
Beautiful capture and I see you used a teleconv. Do you put feed and a salt lick out for them? Just curious.

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