Tarn Hows

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Member: chriss35
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About This Image

This is just one of the beautiful places we visited while on holiday in Cumbria during March this year.

Tarn Hows; A Tarn is a mountain lake, and How is the Cumbrian name for hill. thus the name Tarn Hows means 'lake in the hills', but the name does't give a hint to this beauiful little lakeland gem.

Beatrix Potter the author and illustrator of a popular series of children's books, purchased Tarn Hows as part of an estate sale and gave it to the Naional Trust. thus preserving this delightful part of the countryside for future generations.

This is best viewed as a large image to get it's beauty.



chriss35 - May 14, 2009 03:09 PM EDT
My thanks to Bruce and Carol for your nice comments on this image and for taking the time to view. Chriss:)
shutterbug - Apr 27, 2009 07:31 PM EDT
Very pretty scene. Carol
Alfresco - Apr 27, 2009 07:28 PM EDT
If it looks this nice in March, it must be a real delight in summer and autumn. A very pleasant image.

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