Sweet tooth

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Score: 15.84
Views: 348
Member: estevezgl
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About This Image

I was bored out of my skull waiting for my wife in a candy store, so I started to shoot photos of the candy displays.


Guest - Feb 19, 2007 03:32 PM EDT
Thanks everyone for looking and commenting. I got the strangest looks from people while taking that shot. Kinda like,"It's just candy, haven't you ever seen it?"
Guest - Feb 18, 2007 08:13 PM EDT
Love this shot.It's a good thing a guy carries his camera just for situations like these.
Guest - Feb 18, 2007 03:59 PM EDT
If your wife spends too much time in stores like these, you'll be bored stiff waiting for her at the dentist's next! :) Nice shot, with geometry and colour working well together.
Guest - Feb 18, 2007 10:30 AM EDT
Neat shot Gil. I've been there and done that too...lol. They look good enough to eat. Don
Guest - Feb 18, 2007 09:46 AM EDT
LOL.. I have been there waiting for the wife. I went into a pet store and blasted off a few shots. Nice job composing the candies all lined up. It looks like it was snowing in the store lol..

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