Sweet Hummingbird

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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

female Hummingbird feeding from Bleeding Heart flowers in our patio area. In its eye is the reflection of our house front!! You can see this in the larger version, so she was watching me as she was feeding. Taken from the open front window on telephoto. This female seems to be getting a little used to seeing me, but the male is very elusive. And he has such wonderful iridescent red/gold colours on this throat too! - so am Hoping to capture a good shot of him sometime : )


great shot and a question

Diana Reeck - Aug 27, 2013 09:41 PM EDT
Hi - I love your hummingbird photos, Especially the ones with the monarda. I am putting together a powerpoint presentation on pollination and am wondering if I could get permission to use a couple of these shots of hummingbirds, giving you proper credit of course. thanks for considering it ! .
alandrapal - Mar 12, 2008 03:40 AM EDT
thankyou, Maf04. appreciate your comments :)
maf04 - Mar 11, 2008 05:50 PM EDT
Amazing artistry.
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 04:01 PM EDT
Hi Anne, am glad I noted it there. Am not on IM at all these days, have been too busy. If you email me, I'll get back to you, am not sure I have your email address.
Guest - Oct 17, 2006 04:37 PM EDT
No, Alandra - I hadn't seen that. I am so sorry. We need to get our times synchronized. Somehow we are always passing.
Guest - Oct 16, 2006 08:35 PM EDT
thankyou Anne, that's such a nice comment and much appreciated. am happy you enjoy the photos. Are you still receiving EG listmail? Did you see my post about Lucy's passing?
Guest - Oct 16, 2006 05:49 PM EDT
I can just visualize a Hummingbird Book. These are so precious!! This one has such an innocent look. You are great with your camera. Wonderful capture of sweetness and beauty.
Guest - May 04, 2006 07:07 PM EDT
thanks very much, Susan, happy you like them : ) thanks for taking time to leave the nice comments, appreciated
Guest - May 04, 2006 06:43 PM EDT
Lovely picture, great shot
Guest - May 02, 2006 01:00 AM EDT
thanks very much Karen for your encouragement, always appreciated. Am really happy to be capturing these shots
Guest - May 02, 2006 12:05 AM EDT
Another beautiful capture. Bravo!
Guest - May 01, 2006 08:28 PM EDT
thanks very much, Carol and Vicki. No Vicki, have never used a remote for any of my pics. No tripod either.
Guest - May 01, 2006 08:19 PM EDT
These are beautiful, Alandra - are you using a remote along with the telephoto? They are excellent
Guest - May 01, 2006 06:13 PM EDT
Gorgeous photo of the Hummer!!! Carol
Guest - May 01, 2006 03:18 PM EDT
thankyou Talsi for the nice comments. Am pretty sure the body has movement as they are feeding,-- well I guess it would be, as the wings are going round and round, and the tail is definitely moving. But the head and beak are relatively still, being inside the tubular type flowers, which probably accounts for why the head is in focus.
Guest - May 01, 2006 09:26 AM EDT
Another great bird photo. I like it that the head and eyes are in good focus and the way the wings look. Good job.

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