Susquehanna River Campsite

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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About This Image

We're hard at work preparing this lovely campground for summer visitors. This site is typical of those along the Susquehanna River.


Damaris can you answ

Simone - Oct 13, 2015 03:52 PM EDT
Damaris can you answer a qioutsen for me? Okay, as the commander recently explained, Atlantis is like a rock with small wings and can't make multiple passes around the air field, but why does the shuttle have to be fearful of crashing. I understand that strong winds would be detrimental to landing any aircraft, but can you summarize with us some specific reasons for not landing during bad weather? Why could the shuttle crash? Is it just because lightening might reck havoc with the electrical systems onboard the aircraft, or are the pilot and commander afraid of losing sight of the runway once landing is commenced from space.Which electrical systems are critical to avoiding bad weather.Am I partly right or wrong.
TravlynWomyn - Apr 18, 2008 08:20 AM EDT
Thank you for your comments, Anne, mary and Beverly - and I apologize for not responding sooner. Anne - in a later image you can see what this area looked like after the flood - it's almost surreal in contrast. Mary, this is in Central PA - quite a ways from the Appalachian Trail where I was Workamping last summer. That's a fascinating tidbit about your friend's Grandmother. One of last summer's images was of a church in Delaware Water Gap, PA, where many trail hikers stop for a shower, a bite to eat and a good night's sleep in their hiker's hostel. Beverly, it was a lovely location. Unfortunately we had to leave after the flood cleanup a few weeks after this taken. Vicki
anne - Mar 29, 2008 03:47 PM EDT
How very beautiful! I love the young supple tree leaning out over the water and the beautiful reflection of the trees from the left hand side. Is it my imagination or is there a little fog as one drifts on down river. Perhaps the reflection of a cloud and maybe even it is upriver - LOL! Anyway, a beautiful picture!!!
Guest - May 11, 2006 12:04 AM EDT
Beautiful shot of beautiful country. Are you near the Appalachian Trail? My friends mother was "Grandma Gatewood", the first woman to walk the entire trail. You really get around to some beautiful territory Vicki! Outer Banks and now this. :)
Guest - May 10, 2006 10:56 PM EDT
Nice job. Good colors. Looks like a peaceful place to camp and relax.
Guest - May 05, 2006 05:52 PM EDT
Thank you both for your kind comments - it's definitely conducive to an enjoyable camping experience!
Guest - May 05, 2006 05:38 PM EDT
WOW!! great shot,and a beautiful place to camp.
Guest - May 05, 2006 06:24 AM EDT
Just beautiful- lovely perspective and colours. Again you capture wonderful reflections.
Guest - May 04, 2006 07:34 PM EDT
Thank you alandra and Carol. It's nice to have trees about us this summer - we're in the Susquehanna Valley, with hills on both sides - all in their spring plumage right now!
Guest - May 04, 2006 07:16 PM EDT
Lovely Scene here. Carol
Guest - May 04, 2006 12:06 AM EDT
very pretty area, bet it will draw a lot of visitors this season.

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