Surprise Toad its Light in the Night Time

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Member: JulieMetott
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Surprise don't step on that toad in the dark, shine a little light on this large pine needle matching beauty!


shutterbug - Mar 03, 2009 01:51 PM EDT
Great photo of the toad! Carol
talsi - Mar 03, 2009 09:36 AM EDT
Nice capture of a great Toad pose.
donwrob - Jan 23, 2009 03:10 AM EDT
A pretty toad capture, I like his pose. Don
bubbalinn - Jan 21, 2009 10:27 AM EDT
Great close photo with wonderful colors and focusing. It looks like you scared him or her with that surprised look on it's face :) Hey welcome to the club, my wife thinks I'm crazy too and gives me strange looks or shakes her head at me all of the time.
JulieMetott - Jan 21, 2009 08:59 AM EDT
Thanks, I tripped over him one night at my parents house to get something out of the car. When I shined a light down on the ground, there was this toad. I grabbed the camera and speed lamp out of the car and started taking pictures. My mom came out to see what was taking me so long and thought I was crazy!
Karen Moen - Jan 20, 2009 11:16 PM EDT
Nicely captured close-up with amazing texture on the skin.

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