Surprise Snowfall -28 November 2006

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Member: alandrapal
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surprise early snowstorm dumped this and a lot more on our area, 28 November 2006. Took this from the open front window, looking up our crescent hill, with our front patio and driveway in the foreground. The sky looks full of snow, - believe we got another dumping soon after this.
It's long gone now. It did look very beautiful, but it did a lot of damage to peoples' trees and shrubs, - including our area's beloved Stanley Park.


Guest - Jan 03, 2007 07:27 PM EDT
thanks Alex. Well, we would love to share it with you, lol. To tell the truth, it's all gone now and just like spring here, buds shooting etc. hard to believe.
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 06:09 PM EDT
OH BOY,that sure looks better on your patio than it would on Nice shot.
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 02:41 AM EDT
thankyou Beverly and Tania for the nice comments. Yes, Tania, it is the same area as the night shot you mention, - except this one is taken from inside the open front window, where I'm higher up, - and the night scene is taken from outside, when at ground level.
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 12:45 AM EDT
picture postcard perfect. I love it. Is this the same area as your night shot with the car and the lovely glow from the streetlight
Guest - Jan 01, 2007 08:58 PM EDT
Beautiful winter scene.
Guest - Jan 01, 2007 07:10 PM EDT
many thanks Shawna. Yes, the Labs love the snow, but Lucy, the youngest one has a bad leg, so if she stays out too long in the snow, it aggravates it. The snow is long gone now tho'
Guest - Jan 01, 2007 01:33 PM EDT
This is stunning Alandra! I grew up in Colorado, but currently live in Southern California. We don't see these beautiful snow covered trees unless we take a 2 hour drive. Do your dogs love to play in the snow?? I'd love to see some photos of them running around in it! ~Shawna
Guest - Jan 01, 2007 01:19 AM EDT
thanks Janice, - yeah, recall now that you got snow shortly after ours.
Guest - Dec 31, 2006 06:41 PM EDT
Superb shot. We got your storm on Nov. 30th.
Guest - Dec 31, 2006 04:24 PM EDT
It really looks lovely, the south Island gets these sort of snow falls, we have to tael to see snow, thanks for sharing.

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